My writing journey begins like this....
Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to be an illustrious lawyer like Caron Drew (Nancy's father) when she grew up. But when the little girl got older, she realized she had it all wrong. What she really wanted was to be the titian-haired detective who got to drive the car with the rumble seat (although she didn’t precisely know what a rumble seat was). She also didn't know much about detective work, didn’t have a clue where to find friends named Bess and George (well, Bess maybe, but George???)...and she couldn’t find that car with the rumble seat.
So instead she went to college, and while snagging a couple degrees, she decided jobs--most jobs--were so dreadfully boring she might die if she had to work at one for the rest of her life...until she went the Kelly Girl route (yes, back in the days when Kelly was a GIRL, not a "service") and temped for an entertainment firm.
Finally, she knew what to do with her life. Screw the IBM interviews. Forget B of A. She would work in the television industry where fascinating people made the days less dull.
Only, she discovered once again, that she had it all wrong. Sure, dancing next to Christopher Reeve at the premiere of Fame was exciting. Yes, lunching at Hollywood hot spots made each day a thrill. And who could deny that Oscar parties at fancy Beverly Hills restaurants weren’t just what she was looking for?
But, to bastardize the lyrics of Peggy Lee…That’s All There Was.
Back she went to the drawing board. This time closer to home−as in the family business. The ONE THING in life, she’d sworn against.
Years passed.
She would never leave her job, but she was single and looking for romance.
What did she do? What she'd always done…she looked in the wrong place and became a romance WRITER instead of a romance DOER. (Now, there's a crazy word for ya, huh?)
Anyway, so that's pretty much the story of ME. As for the writing, well...see, I figure if life is a journey, then, I'm packing light. As in ix-nay on the aggage-bay. So, I'm all about humor and not so much on the drama. Seriously. If you're looking for heart-wrenching narrative, tragic heroines and dark, brooding heroes, you've come to the wrong place. Ditto for the vampires, faeries, wolves, and shapeshifters. Sorry about that. Even Field Of Dreams pissed me off.
At the risk of alienating future readers, I'll go out on a limb here. I write the kind of romance I loved growing up...remember Phyllis Whitney and Mary Stewart (before she went all Merlin and everything?)...that's what I'm aiming for. With a slightly contemporary twist because my heroines are tough without being "kick-ass," and independent without being anti-male.
Sorta like me...which is probably all you need to know.